Personal blog of Yuuiki.
May be filled with random crap. musings, daily life, gaming.
Loves: Gackt, Kalafina, Jessie J, gaming, spicy stuff.
Dislikes: Sweets, stupidity
Layout by TKH | Background from Ixora
Damn, I'm tired.
Seriously I am! I should track back...
After the trip to KL. On the 23rd I attended my mom's kindergarten's graduation ceremony. Watching kids perform and shout, not fun. Had to help my mom serve the food too, luckily S.Fang was there to help xD After cleaning up and stuff... it was like midnight! By the time I went to bed it was like 2am? Gawd... sei la next day got event lagi.
Woke up around 9? the next morning. Went out after that until... 1pm? Finally wanted to rest when I got home, but I remembered I had to edit the photos from KL/CF. *cries* So from that time I was choosing the photos and editing them until 5pm where I had to fetch my mom. Came home and we had to prepare to go out again ==; Caroling at 2 houses, again... we went home at midnight dammit.
ANNND the next day had to go to church in the morning til afternoon for the Christmas service. Great! Wanted to rest in the afternoon but my relatives came (wedding dinner). In the evening, I had to attend the wedding, so yup went there and went home at... midnight again woot. slept at 3am this time LOL.
Saturday, woke up at 8+ cause I had to go to my relative's house for 'breakfast'. In the evening, 2nd round for the wedding dinner. It finished around 10.30pm, I went to meet up with friends and went home at 12.30am+ =A=; Slept at 3am again.
Sunday, woke up at 9 cause relatives are going back to Ipoh, so we went out for breakfast yey. Afternoon, accompanied S.Fang to get her laptop... she got a DELL. xD were lurking at the shop until 5pm+ and she followed me back to get some 'lessons' and leech my internet. She went home at 10pm+
I was working on some stuff which I can't remember... then I messed around with the html code on blogger. Ugh, changed everything back to the way it was. Too lazy to change my layout again. and now it's midnight (AGAIN!) and I'm up writing this shit lol. Kanasai I'm torturing myself.
Well as for the not-so-tiring stuff, I downloaded a couple of stuff for my Adium, now it's looking spiffy
The Gir icon on the bottom is adorable. And yes I DO talk to myself, pretty frequently too *wink*.
Also I've gotten a premium membership on deviantart. luff luff. I should stick with it. Labels: deviantart, membership, tiring day
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