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Destination Unknown

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Personal blog of Yuuiki.
May be filled with random crap. musings, daily life, gaming.
Loves: Gackt, Kalafina, Jessie J, gaming, spicy stuff. Dislikes: Sweets, stupidity



Layout by TKH | Background from Ixora

Very SHORT Game Reviews (PS3)

Well yeah I figured I don't wanna continue gaming at the moment, cause if I did... God knows what time I'll stop LOL. And I gotta wake up early to go to the bus station and head for Kampar tomorrow morning.

Anyways, I think I recommended 2 games, LittleBigPlanet and Resident Evil 5.
I traded my LBP for another game cause it just wasn't fun enough in Single Player mode. T.T

I got White Knight Chronicles and Bayonetta. The rest of the games I've only played the demo versions.

White Knight Chronicles
What attracted me to get this game? Only 2 factors. The cover looked really good, and the fact that it was an RPG. lol. Anyways what can I say about this game is that... It wasn't really up to my expectations.
Graphics- Honestly, they weren't really considered as good for a PS3 game. Usually the cut scenes would look better compared to in-game graphics but they look pretty similar in this case.

Storyline- As for the storyline... pretty linear actually, typical boy meets princess, princess gets caught, boy obtains power, boy saves princess lol. I can't really say that for the whole thing as I haven't finished the whole game but I'm guessing that's how it works.

Controls- Hmm the controls are pretty alright. Camera angles are easy to work with and the controls are pretty responsive.

Battle system- Slow! That's the only word I can say actually xD The battle system is sort of like FFXII. There's a clock thingy there where it spins, and when it's full, you initiate attack.
The cool thing is when transforming into a knight. ... and some parts are pretty funny, I just can't remember where lol.
Rating for this game 2/5. I wouldn't really recommend people to get it I guess.

I got it after hearing so many people saying it's fucking AWESUMZ. Influential people? Jingna and even Danny Choo! So I went to watch the trailer and FUCK (excuse my French) it was GOOD. I've heard complaints that the PS3 version had horrible loading time... which was true actually. (I've tried it). They had a patch which was the "INSTALL" option for the game, it takes about 4.5GB? of your hard-drive but it increases the load times DRAMATICALLY. I'm serious.

Graphics- Most say that it's inferior to the 360's version but still... a ported-to-PS3 game... it's still a sweet deal. I wouldn't trade it for the Xbox version. I remember in my previous post I took a photo of my tv using my SLR... it was showing Bayonetta. :3 All in all, I think the graphics for Bayonetta PS3 version is splendid, up to the PS3 standards.

Storyline- Hmm I have to say I never thought I'd be playing a witch fighting against angels lol. So it's not the typical hero saves the world storyline. Kudos to that. And a kickass megane (spectacles) witch? Not something we see so often too. I've been playing til early mornings just cause I wanted to know what happened next ==; Oh god I'm so addicted.

Controls+Camera- Very good I'd have to say. When it gets to a certain angle maybe near a wall or blocked by other objects, you can still see what you're doing? o_O And it's responsive too, the controls I mean.

Battle- The battle is similar to Devil May Cry, with more exaggerated moves in big scales. And there's the fun in different sorts of combos *-* Never play Easy mode as.... it's boring to mash the same button over and over again. Go to youtube to see the videos. I couldn't find one I like xD

I can only sing praises for this game. It's really got me hooked with the cheesy lines, oversexed moves, amazing graphics, and the remix version of Fly Me To The Moon (I love this song and I love them for remixing it).
Rating- 5/5 *-*

As for the rest of the games... which are demos. I'll put it in another post for next time.
The list would be Dante's Inferno, Heavy Rain, Ninja Gaiden, Lair, Mirror's Edge... I can't remember what else. Maybe Metal Gear Solid and Siren.
Seems like my 'short' post wasn't so short after all XD

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