Personal blog of Yuuiki.
May be filled with random crap. musings, daily life, gaming.
Loves: Gackt, Kalafina, Jessie J, gaming, spicy stuff.
Dislikes: Sweets, stupidity
Gonna do my anime post next time... or maybe not at all. Depends lol.
Went to Coffee Bean today with Ting, CK and Junz. Had dinner there too xD
Junz and Ting ordered the same thing. An Egg Ben. My brother recommended the spicy tuna linguini so yeah I had that. CK had a salmon bagel, didn't get a photo of it lol.
My coffee *heart* Bro had too much free time and he made this design on it lmao. me and CK ~ Ting and I. Didn't manage to get Junz's photo. =.=
Layout by TeaCakeHouse/Mocha.
Please refrain from stealing. Thank you!
Extra 2
In order to have this layout be awesomer is having someone like you use it WITHOUT REMOVING MY CREDIT SECTION WHATSOEVER. NO REMOVING IT'S LINKS OR TEXT. (: