Personal blog of Yuuiki.
May be filled with random crap. musings, daily life, gaming.
Loves: Gackt, Kalafina, Jessie J, gaming, spicy stuff.
Dislikes: Sweets, stupidity
Layout by TKH | Background from Ixora
Those sweet notes you make fills my chest with an unknowing excitement.
I feel this uncontainable flirtation.
My breaths quickens, as if you're right down my neck.
Can't get enough of that feeling. Think about it when you're through me.
You got it right, these emotions, movements. They're playing with my mind.
PS. No this is not a sex thing. It's a song thing. Not lyrics, just a song thing.
- Posted from my iPad, bitch!
Location:Jalan Istana Kuning,Alor Setar,Malaysia
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