ʟᴀʏᴏᴜᴛ ʙʏ © ᴍ ᴏ ᴄ ʜ ᴀ

Destination Unknown

Welcome to my blog.


Personal blog of Yuuiki.
May be filled with random crap. musings, daily life, gaming.
Loves: Gackt, Kalafina, Jessie J, gaming, spicy stuff. Dislikes: Sweets, stupidity



Layout by TKH | Background from Ixora

Visual Themes

I'm pretty much going crazy over the fact that there's no 9O21O episode this week. So I decided to pimp out my desktop ._. And this is how it ended up. Screenshots below.

Slider off but Winamp is opened. Miku skin :D

Slider is opened, and moved to the right position.

Also I think the new blogger editor is pretty nifty, I can move images around easier than before. 
For the curious people - It's Windows XP and I modified stuff around it. Visual theme is installed to change the Start bar. Google "How to install visual theme Windows xx" the "xx replaced by your Windows version. The skin I'm using can be found on DeviantArt, it's called iLimited.

The stuff on the side and middle of the desktop is a program called "Rainmeter" and you can install different skins and themes. I'm using a mixture of different skins and themes so I can't specifically give all. Though two of them are called "iSteve" and "Sony".

The bottom dock is RocketDock so it's a pretty straightforward thing.

That's all for this update :]

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